Copenhagen, Denmark
Frontend Tech Lead
- PostCSS
- TailwindCSS
- JavaScript
- Vue
- Nuxt
- GreenSock
- Lerna
- Jest
- Umbraco
Helped facilitate and inform conversations and workshops on the topic of establishing standards around naming conventions, project structure, and development practices more broadly both on the frontend and across the company.
Introduced version control methodologies inspired by Gitflow and encouraged the adoption of conventional commit messages to reduce friction surrounding deployments (live and staging environments and rollbacks) and standardise commit message semantics for a more meaningful commit history.
Developed the project boilerplate to more closely follow the Nuxt conventions and tooling whilst increasing performance, fixing bugs, and improving developer experience. Leveraged NPM, the GitHub Package Registry, and Lerna to create a mono-repository of utility modules and components.
Lead the development of the LEGO Foundation: Create with Anything educational experience and Empirical webshop alongside other frontend developers (amongst other projects). Mentored interns and mid-level frontend developers in the Copenhagen studio.