
Saul Hardman


  • Limbo

    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Frontend Tech Lead


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • PostCSS
    • TailwindCSS
    • JavaScript
    • Vue
    • Nuxt
    • GreenSock
    • Lerna
    • Jest
    • Umbraco

    Helped facilitate and inform conversations and workshops on the topic of establishing standards around naming conventions, project structure, and development practices more broadly both on the frontend and across the company.

    Introduced version control methodologies inspired by Gitflow and encouraged the adoption of conventional commit messages to reduce friction surrounding deployments (live and staging environments and rollbacks) and standardise commit message semantics for a more meaningful commit history.

    Developed the project boilerplate to more closely follow the Nuxt conventions and tooling whilst increasing performance, fixing bugs, and improving developer experience. Leveraged NPM, the GitHub Package Registry, and Lerna to create a mono-repository of utility modules and components.

    Lead the development of the LEGO Foundation: Create with Anything educational experience and Empirical webshop alongside other frontend developers (amongst other projects). Mentored interns and mid-level frontend developers in the Copenhagen studio.

  • Realla

    London, England / Remote

    Lead Frontend Web Developer


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Ruby on Rails
    • PostCSS
    • Sass
    • Vue
    • Webpack
    • Rollup

    Undertook a modernisation of the front-end toolchain, migrating from Sprockets to Webpack. Implemented a component-based architecture to improve CSS and JavaScript portability, reuse, and removability. Formalised a design system from new and existing designs to improve visual consistency and lessen redundancy. Extrapolated the design system into a standalone CSS utility framework to aid in migrating to the new architecture.

    Adopted linters and other static analysis tools to catch possible errors long before production. Implemented a responsive image solution backed by Imaginary to ensure photos were as lightweight as possible without compromising on quality. Developed a critical asset pipeline to achieve an average page load speed of under 2 seconds. Realla were successfully acquired by CoStar midway through my contract.

  • AllofUs

    London, England

    Creative Technologist


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Sass
    • Backbone.js
    • Socket.io
    • RequireJS
    • Grunt
    • Unity

    Led the development of a series of 3 interactive installations for the Manifattura Di Arti Sperimentazione E Tecnologia (MAST) in Bologna. I was involved from the prototyping stage right through to hardware procurement and installation.

    I worked on a wide range of projects, most of which utilised web technologies in traditional and novel contexts. Led frontend development of the Boat International rebuild, liaising heavily with the backend development partners.

  • UNIT9

    London, England

    Creative Developer


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Sass
    • Canvas
    • Wordpress

    Industrial placement at UNIT9’s app division. I was part of their core development team: building award-winning web experiences and—along with another placement student—rebuilding the agency's portfolio.

    I continued working with them on a freelance basis until starting my final year at University. UNIT9 were kind also enough to sponsor my final year tuition fees.